What is


A scientifically validated and effective system.

Techniques and award-winning technologies that will help you create coherence, build up your resilience level and boost your performance. Proven to help you reduce stress and anxiety by increasing your inner balance and self-security. This method will help you Learn to access your heart’s intuition to become the best version of yourself always.



The Institute of HeartMath (IHM) is known worldwide for its success in the areas of peak performance, leadership effectiveness, self-management and stress reduction. It was founded by Doc Childre in 1991 in California (USA) to help individuals, organizations and the global community incorporate the heart´s intelligence into their daily lives and create coherent and successful environments.

The IHM spent more than 25 years researching the physiology of stress and resilience, the relation between peak performance and emotions, and the connection between coherence and heart-brain- interactions.

Their research has been featured in respected publications such as Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, American Journal of Cardiology and Stress Medicine. The HeartMath Institute developed evidence-based tools, high-impact-trainings and award-winning technologies that implement this skill set in the most cost effective ways. The techniques are used by over 50,000 business leaders, professional sports coaches, health professionals and people from all walks of life, in over 50 countries.

HeartMath™ client lists includes global companies such as NASA, BP, Cisco Systems, Boeing, Cathay Pacific and Unilever. The programs are also taught at the Stanford Business School and London Business School.

The HeartMath® Training System is a scientifically validated system of techniques and technologies that will help you to boost your resilience, empower higher performance and reduce stress. Our innovative emWave® and Inner Balance feedback technologies give you Realtime insight into your emotional, mental and physical state and help you develop the ability to self-regulate.

Wish to take a trial with us?

Our high-impact programs are designed to increase performance, lower stress-levels, enhance creativity and heighten emotional intelligence.